PCOD Management Program

(Polycystic Ovarian Disease) PCOD is a common hormonal disorder that affects women of reproductive age. It can lead to a variety of symptoms, including irregular and painful periods, weight gain, excess hair growth, acne, and fertility issues. While there is no cure for PCOD, it can be managed through lifestyle changes and medical interventions. Our PCOD management program is a comprehensive approach to managing the condition that involves a combination of diet, exercise, and medical treatments.

PCOD (Polycystic Ovarian Disorder) management plan would typically involve:

  • Focus on nutrient-dense foods: Emphasize nutrient-dense foods such as vegetables, fruits, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats.
  • Choose low-glycemic index foods: Encourage choosing low-glycemic index foods to regulate blood sugar levels and insulin resistance.
  • Encourage hydration: Encourage adequate hydration with water, herbal tea, and other low-calorie beverages.
  • Address potential nutrient deficiencies: Ensure the individual gets enough fiber, vitamins, and minerals to prevent nutrient deficiencies.
  • Monitor and manage weight: Weight management is essential in the management of PCOD. Encourage moderate physical activity and regular exercise.
  • Customize the diet to individual needs: Each person’s nutritional requirements are different, so it’s important to customize the diet to their individual needs.
  • Work closely with the healthcare team: As PCOD is a complex condition, it’s important to work closely with a healthcare team, including a dietician, gynecologist, and endocrinologist, to ensure effective management.

Overall, a PCOD management program is a comprehensive approach to managing the symptoms and complications associated with PCOD. By making dietary changes, engaging in regular exercise, and using medical interventions as needed, women with PCOD can improve their overall health and quality of life. We will work with you to develop a personalized PCOD management program that addresses individual needs and goals.

Diet Plans

Rs. 3500/-
Consultations received: 3
Initial consultation with a thorough nutritional evaluation
Specific suggestions and a strategy
3 follow-ups for plan adjustments and a thorough diet analysis
Increasing metabolism
A review of your blood report data
Coaching for a healthy meal plan for one month
Recommendations for vitamins and minerals and descriptions based on deficiencies.
Consultation INR 1000
Rs. 6000/-
Consultations received: 7
Initial consultation with a thorough nutritional evaluation
Specific suggestions and a strategy
6 follow-ups for plan adjustments and a thorough diet analysis
Increasing metabolism
A review of your blood report data
Coaching for a healthy meal plan for two months
Recommendations for vitamins and minerals and descriptions based on deficiencies.
Consultation INR 1000
Rs. 8500/-
Consultations received: 11
Initial consultation with a thorough nutritional evaluation
Specific suggestions and a strategy
9 follow-ups for plan adjustments and a thorough diet analysis
Increasing metabolism
A review of your blood report data
Coaching for a healthy meal plan for three months
Recommendations for vitamins and minerals and descriptions based on deficiencies.
Consultation INR 1000
Rs. 16000/-
Consultations received: 23
Initial consultation with a thorough nutritional evaluation
Specific suggestions and a strategy
18 follow-ups for plan adjustments and a thorough diet analysis
Increasing metabolism
A review of your blood report data
Coaching for a healthy meal plan for six months
Recommendations for vitamins and minerals and descriptions based on deficiencies.
Consultation INR 1000
Rs. 30000/-
Consultations received: 47
Initial consultation with a thorough nutritional evaluation
Specific suggestions and a strategy
36 follow-ups for plan adjustments and a thorough diet analysis
Increasing metabolism
A review of your blood report data
Coaching for a healthy meal plan for an year
Recommendations for vitamins and minerals and descriptions based on deficiencies.
Consultation INR 1000